2014 is shaping up to be a very interesting year for Musicians for World Harmony (MWH). Founding Director Samite Mulondo spent the spring with Dr. Bill Thomas and his “Second Wind Tour.” This twenty five major tour was sponsored by AARP & Merrill Lynch, among many others, and brought Dr. Thomas’ message of reimagining the second half of our lives to be at least as fulfilling as the first.
While performing across the country, Samite was fortunate to have the opportunity to share the healing power of music in senior centers in many cities. Most of these visits were facilitated by Salon PS.* MWH is now collaborating with them to implement programs throughout their 400+ centers in the United States. This work is extremely important and rewarding, “This program was so appreciated – some of the ladies that I was to visit would start doing their hair and make up a few hours before I arrived – it changed their day! It was difficult for me to leave after each performance; the conversations were rich with the interesting details of their lives. Many times the residents would share their own songs with me. I am very excited about this increased emphasis on addressing the needs of seniors in our communities.