Music is a great force for healing – something we all need in our lives. We know many people in the US and abroad are shaken with uncertainty as 2016 draws to a close. We are more committed to ever to the importance of our work. That’s because it’s so powerful – able to build bridges between people, able to evoke memories and emotions, and as more and more research is showing, able to help people feel better.
People everywhere react psychologically to music. We have seen its effects in working with children with neurological disorders, seniors who struggle with agitation or sadness, and people everywhere coping with trauma and pain. We ask you to help us make this continued work possible. MWH has promising things ahead, including:
- More work with seniors to reduce the effects of dementia and other health problems, locally and across the country with Dr. Bill Thomas;
- A collaboration with the North Side Learning Center in Syracuse, working with middle-to-high school-aged refugees, encouraging their expressions through music and poetry;
- Serving the Urban 4-H program at Cooperative Extension and their afterschool students from the West Village neighborhood;
- A potential new project to promote intercultural understanding between students in New York, Virginia, Sweden and Rwanda;
- Exploring additional new collaborations with the students at IC and Syracuse; and
- Continuing partnerships with the Berklee College of Music and aid centers in Uganda and Kenya.
While we can attract small project grants for some of this work, they do not cover all costs. MWH relies on gifts from supporters like you to pair with these grants so we can pursue new partnerships with other nonprofits and keep our core operations running to be able to deliver these programs.
As a friend of the organization, please consider a generous donation, continuing support of our programs that bring hope, soothing, and healing to so many people. Musicians for World Harmony works on an extremely limited budget, and your gift will be well used and deeply appreciated.
Think of the last time you saw another’s eyes light up with joy, or recognition, or deep memory as a tune reaches their ears. We are fortunate in our work to see the restorative effects of music on so many peoples’ lives and souls. Thank you for your shared belief in that work and for considering this request!